Playing for a Better Planet with 15 Climate Change Games

Imagine a world where playing a game could actually help save the planet. Well, that world is closer than you might think. With the increasing prevalence of games in our culture, there are now a growing number of climate games and interactive tools designed to increase our understanding of the challenges we face. Learn while playing for a better planet with 15 climate change games!

From group-based simulations to computer games and board games, there are 15 climate games that have the potential to change the future. These games aim to educate and inspire players to take action on climate change, and they are being adopted in schools, workplaces, and even by government agencies. So, if you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to learn about climate change and make a difference, these games might just be the answer you’ve been searching for.

Group-based Games

World Climate Simulation

World Climate is a role-playing game that simulates the UN climate change negotiations. Participants divide into regional and national negotiating teams to create a treaty that aims to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius or less. This game replicates the real-world dynamics of international climate negotiations, allowing players to understand the complexities of reaching a consensus and making impactful climate policy decisions. World Climate is a powerful educational tool for anyone interested in understanding the global climate change landscape.

Stabilization Wedges Game

The Stabilization Wedge Game is an engaging and educational game that demonstrates the different ways to cut carbon emissions. The game introduces the concept of “wedges,” which represent specific strategies or technologies that can contribute to reducing emissions. Players work together to explore and evaluate various wedges, aiming to create a comprehensive plan to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations. Through this game, participants gain a deeper understanding of the potential solutions to mitigate climate change.

hand painted to look like the Earth with environmental symbols inthe background

Climate Action Simulation

Climate Action Simulation is a highly interactive, role-playing game that allows groups to play different stakeholders and explore the solutions needed to take action on climate change. Participants assume various roles, such as government officials, activists, or industry representatives, and work together to understand the complexities of addressing climate change. This game provides a unique opportunity for players to experience the challenges and trade-offs involved in climate action, fostering collaboration and problem-solving skills.

Computer Games


Set in a futuristic space, Ixion is a city-builder game that tasks players with managing resource extraction, infrastructure, and their crews to keep humanity alive as Earth suffers from ecosystem collapse. This game explores the trade-offs between resource utilization and environmental preservation, highlighting the importance of sustainable practices in a world facing ecological challenges. Through Ixion, players gain insights into the complexities of balancing human needs with environmental stewardship.

someone playing video games with controller

The Climate Game

The Climate Game, developed by the Financial Times, challenges players to reduce the negative effects of climate change and reach net zero emissions by 2050. This online game invites players to make strategic decisions regarding policy, technology, and social factors to mitigate climate change impacts. The Climate Game fosters critical thinking and encourages players to consider the complexities of transitioning to a carbon-neutral society.

Survive the Century

Survive the Century is a fictional game informed by real science, aimed at educating players about the political, environmental, and social choices humanity faces between 2021 and 2100. Players navigate through various scenarios and challenges, making decisions that impact the future trajectory of the planet. This game raises awareness about the complex and multifaceted nature of climate change and encourages players to think critically about the long-term consequences of their choices.


Floodland is an online city-building strategy game set in a world submerged by global warming. Players must navigate the challenges of limited resources and conflicting cultures to guide their population into a new age of resilience. This game emphasizes the need for adaptation and resilient infrastructure in the face of climate change-induced disasters. Floodland offers an immersive experience that highlights the importance of sustainable development and community resilience.

Crunch Time

Crunch Time is an interactive science and sustainability quiz game designed for kids of all ages. This game promotes environmental awareness and challenges players to test their knowledge of climate science and sustainability topics. Players can engage with the game individually or as part of a classroom activity, fostering a fun and educational environment to learn about climate change and its implications. Crunch Time 2.0 encourages players to become active participants in addressing climate change through increased awareness and understanding.

woman playing online game with headphones and widescreen monitors

Mission 1.5

Mission 1.5 is an online game developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Playmob. It educates players about climate solutions through the power of voting on key climate actions they want to see adopted. The responses gathered from players are used by UNDP to help governments develop and implement climate plans and policies worldwide. Mission 1.5 empowers individuals to have a voice in shaping climate action and fosters a sense of collective responsibility for addressing climate change.


Eco is an online community-based game where players collaborate to develop laws and an economy to stop a meteor on a collision course with the planet, without polluting the world. This game encourages players to consider the interplay between economic growth, societal needs, and environmental sustainability. Through cooperative gameplay, participants learn the importance of sustainable practices and collective action in preserving our planet. Eco provides a platform for players to explore the delicate balance between human progress and ecological well-being.

Terra Nil

Terra Nil is an environmental strategy game centered around ecosystem reconstruction. Players transform a barren wasteland into a thriving ecosystem by reintroducing wildlife and restoring natural processes. This game highlights the importance of ecological restoration and sustainable land management in mitigating the effects of climate change. Through Terra Nil, players can explore the potential for regenerative practices and the positive impact they can have on the environment.

Board Games

hand adding post it notes to blackboard with climate change issues written on them

Polar Eclipse Game

Polar Eclipse Game is a board game where players navigate different decisions to chart a path to a future that avoids the worst temperature rise. This game encourages players to consider the long-term consequences of their choices and the potential impacts on global climate. Polar Eclipse Game provides a thought-provoking experience that fosters a deeper understanding of the challenges and complexities of climate change mitigation.


Energetic is a board game that focuses on the future of New York City. Players observe the extent of change and cooperation required to transform the city’s energy demand and supply in time to meet the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. This game challenges players to think holistically about energy systems and the necessary steps to transition to a sustainable and renewable future. Energetic offers an immersive and educational experience that emphasizes the importance of collective action in shaping the energy landscape.


Daybreak, created by the makers of Pandemic, is a cooperative board game that offers an optimistic vision of the near future. Players have the opportunity to construct groundbreaking technologies and resilient societies needed to decarbonize the world. This game fosters collaboration and strategic thinking, encouraging players to explore innovative solutions to address climate change. Daybreak provides an engaging and hopeful experience that motivates players to imagine a sustainable future.


Change Game

Change Game is an app that allows players to test the strength of their cities by, managing resources, and controlling emissions. The app presents challenges that become more difficult as players generate higher levels of emissions, highlighting the consequences of unsustainable practices. Change Game promotes awareness and personal responsibility by demonstrating the interconnectedness between individual choices and the broader climate impact. This app serves as a powerful tool for individuals to engage with climate change on a personal level and explore sustainable solutions.

climate change written in brown on grass


In conclusion, the proliferation of climate-related games provides a unique and engaging way to educate individuals about the complexities of climate change and the importance of sustainable practices. This can be done through group-based simulations, computer games, board games, or apps.

These interactive experiences foster a deeper understanding of climate science, policy, and the need for collective action. By harnessing the power of gamification, we can inspire and empower individuals to become agents of change in addressing the global climate crisis.

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